As part of our participation in the Brave Noise Pale Ale brew we’ve developed a code of conduct that applies to all staff, customers, vendors, and other service providers with whom we interact. We’ve always had a strong anti-harassment policy for our staff, but it’s important that we make this information public, so we can all hold each other accountable.
Love City does not tolerate harassing, threatening, or discriminatory language or behaviors. We take all reports of harassment and discrimination very seriously. We encourage everyone to bring these things to our attention. Customers can tell a bartender or manager; staff can talk to their manager or someone else with whom they feel comfortable. If you witness something and would prefer to report it later, please email or call 215-398-1900.
Harassment and discrimination can include the following, but this list is not exhaustive. We will take action that we deem appropriate against anyone who harasses or discriminates against others. Staff will be subject to disciplinary action. Customers may be removed from Love City for the day or for an extended period. Vendors may be asked to make changes or lose our business.
Words or actions meant to intimidate or incite violence against any person
Offensive comments related to race, color, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, physical appearance, religion, age, disability, or mental illness.
Sustained unwelcome attention
Unwanted physical contact
Stalking or following
Harassing photography or video recording
Love City Brewing strives to be a welcoming, inclusive place for everyone. These are the most important values we hold as a company, and the positive behaviors that we expect from everyone who interacts with us:
Value: Respectful & open communication
Talk to people, not about people. Many issues can be solved by kindly addressing the person directly.
Always ask yourself: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Use inclusive language. Use correct names and pronouns.
Value: Social Responsibility
Everyone takes care of our space and the people in it. Hold doors, offer a hand, ask others what they need.
Look for ways to care for our neighborhood and community.
Value: Safety
Refrain from microaggressions (i.e. misgendering someone, highlighting differences that people can’t control). Address it when someone makes a mistake. Be up front when you make a mistake; apologize & move on.
Try to de-escalate tense situations: use a calm tone of voice, relaxed body language, enlist help from others.
Avoid involving police unless physical safety is threatened
Value: Equity, Inclusion, & Justice
Create an inclusive environment by using all behaviors listed above
Acknowledge that treating people equitably sometimes means different treatment
Recognize inequities and work to equalize them as much as possible
Crafted For All
Love City Brewing is committed to creating a more inclusive, equitable, and just brewery. We have joined a fantastic group of breweries & allied trades in signing the Crafted for All commitment.
This isn’t simply signing on the dotted line. We created an actionable plan and got feedback from our staff. We’re doing the work every day. We’re always open to ideas and feedback - please email